Are you in the middle of a job search that keeps coming up short?
Continued disappointment in your job search feels a lot like failure. It can feel defeating, even crushing.
Learning to handle failure in your job search and career is essential for personal growth and development. Appropriately navigating the consequences and outcomes of failure teaches you to manage negative emotions, develops perseverance, and helps you foster a growth mindset. Failure doesn't have to be a total downer, but that doesn't mean it's not rough sailing—especially in the workplace and job search, where so much rests on performance and results. It's hard not to take it personally.
Here are some tips for how to handle disappointment in your job search:
It's ok to be disappointed. Having a growth mindset and choosing to learn from failure doesn't mean you have to be Pollyanna. Refusing to acknowledge frustration and disappointment can morph into unhealthy coping mechanisms as you avoid what is happening in your mind. Instead, recognize the letdown and give yourself some space to be disappointed.
When handling failure, it's easy to start believing irrational untruths. For example –
These are irrational thought patterns that are untrue and unproductive. It's essential to identify them and discredit them as nonsense. Instead, focus on the truth –
Changing your mindset and believing what is true is vital to dealing with failure in your job search and life!
Looking for a job takes time and is not something you "know how to do" as soon as you enter the workforce. So, when responding to job search disappointment, accept personal responsibility for areas where you can improve. Ask yourself good questions like –
Asking yourself honest questions and being honest with the answers will help you grow from the failures instead of wallowing in them.
Find people more experienced than you, and tap into their knowledge. When you receive feedback from your friends, mentors, and even recruiters or hiring managers, take the time to analyze their observations and feedback, then put them into practice.
Based on the questions you ask yourself and the feedback you receive from trusted mentors and support, start creating a plan to do things differently. Maybe this means taking time to –
One of the number one reasons to not be too discouraged while job searching is that, sometimes, it just takes time. Channel your positivity to keep going, keep trying, and keep looking!
Searching for a job is tough, but we can help! If your job search is dry, contact us at Career Concepts, where we've been matching the best people to the best employers for more than 50 years! With quality, excellence, and authentic service, our goal is to ensure you make your goals!
Contact us today, and let's get started!
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