FUN FACT: Today's workforce includes FIVE different generations!
Millennials are the majority, followed by a healthy assortment of Gen X and Baby Boomers, a growing number of Gen Z, and a remaining, albeit trickling, remnant of the Silent Generation. Together, they represent the years 1927 to 2012, respectively.
It means that intergenerational conflict is a legitimate issue in the workplace.
Each generation is shaped by their experiences, perspectives, and cultural settings. With five generations making up the landscape of the current workforce, spanning many years of history, those experiences and perspectives are vast. (To say the least!)
Understanding and communicating with someone who processes and executes differently than you is difficult. And, let's be honest, every generation tends to think highly of its experiential perspectives.
However, generational diversity and learning how to navigate that diversity bring so many incredible benefits! Benefits that far outweigh the challenges! These include:
Mutual respect is the most essential contributor to multigenerational unity. Without it, nothing else you do to build cohesiveness matters. Despite their differences, both young and old can respect each other's personhood and skill sets. Part of respect is acknowledging that each generation brings different (and much-needed) things to the table. Take time to identify and build on one another's skills and knowledge. Everyone is on the same team!
Take the time to understand the makeup of each generation: what are the goals, workplace priorities and preferences, and motivators for each group? Learn how to communicate with each person on your team, taking into account their "generational preferences." Educate your team on the benefits of a multigenerational workforce while acknowledging the challenges. Cast the vision using compassion, firmness, and even a little bit of humor.
The beauty of a multigenerational team is the depth of knowledge, skills, and experience that all come together. The older generations provide so much wisdom, life experience, and practical knowledge, while the younger generations provide vitality, fresh vision, and technological savviness. Establish mentorship programs between the generations to help create a knowledge-sharing culture, encouraging each generation to share and learn from one another.
There are certainly differences between the generations! While each group tends to identify with generalities, preferences, and values, it's important to avoid relying on stereotypes regarding individuals. Even as a leader in your company, it might be tempting to assume you know an employee's motives or skill level based on their generational stereotype. Instead, combat ageism in the workplace by taking time to listen and learn from your employees, seeking to engage them as individuals.
Despite the tension between the generations, people are still people. Human nature doesn't change. There are far more commonalities tying your team together than there are differences. Help your team focus and unify on those similarities. After all, almost everyone wants to be more engaged in their work, feel fulfilled at the end of the day, and receive a fair wage.
At Career Concepts, we believe in strong teams! That's why we've spent the last 50 years matching the best talent to the optimal opportunities for career growth. If you're looking for the next step in your career, contact us today, and let's get started.
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