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How to Be a Problem-Solver

Problem-solving is a desirable or required skill often listed in job descriptions. Candidates and applicants often tout “problem-solving skills” in their applications. Why is it so important? 

What is Problem-Solving and Why is It so Crucial? 

Problem-solvers identify key issues and barriers, find and implement solutions, and do post-evaluation to determine the success of their idea. 

Employers understand the value of having a team of problem-solvers. Among other things, problem solvers identify risks before they occur, improve productivity, promote growth, and keep things running smoothly throughout the day. This skill is invaluable in the workplace and in your personal life. Being a problem-solver empowers you to navigate the complexities, barriers, and even the commonplace daily challenges. (Because we all know from experience—things rarely go exactly according to plan. There’s always a challenge popping up somewhere!) 

While problem-solving is built on the back of soft skills that come more naturally to some (e.g., critical thinking, adaptability, persistence, decision-making, and creativity), it can be learned with time and practice. There is a strategy to problem-solving, after all! Here are some critical steps and tips for solving problems! 

Key Problem-Solving Steps


The first step to solving problems is to acknowledge there is one — then you identify the root cause. Finding the what and the why takes time and thoroughness. It’s essential to separate facts from feelings and symptoms from the cause during your initial diagnosis. Ask intentional questions to determine the root cause of the problem. Questions like: 

  • What (or who) is behind it? 
  • What is causing it? 
  • When did this start? 
  • Is this measurable? 

Take note that sometimes identifying the root cause of the problem can take some trial and error. It’s not always easy to whittle down to the bottom of things, and there might be more than one root cause at play. 

Brainstorm Solutions 

Problem-solving is synonymous with innovation. Think outside the box and give yourself room to try the unusual. Seek advice and collaborate with others to get different ideas and varying perspectives. And since chances are the first idea you come up with won’t solve the problem, brainstorm different solutions and alternative routes. 

Narrow Down 

Once you have a list of potential solutions, it’s time to analyze them, narrow them down, and identify where you want to start. And since asking questions is a critical component of problem-solving, it’s time to ask some more! And while it’s not yet necessary to have a complete play-by-play planned out (yet), you should ask yourself: 

  • Is this technically viable? 
  • Is this scalable? 
  • What are the risks? Are they manageable? Do the risks involve people? 
  • Is this quantifiable? How will you measure it? 
  • Do you have the resources to implement this solution? 
  • What are the benefits of this solution? 

Using questions like these, you can select the solution you think will be best. 


With a selected solution in hand, move forward with execution. This also requires planning. Think thoroughly about the who, the what, and the how. Remember, efficiency and practicality are essential –then move forward! 


Don’t skip the integral component of evaluation! Evaluating the results of your solution, its success, or its lack of success is vital. This is two-fold. Being ready to face failure, learn from it, and try something new is part of being an effective problem-solver. Secondly, when a solution succeeds, knowing why will help you effectively implement those same principles again as preventatives for other problems. 

Are you looking for new ways to grow and ready to take the next step in your career? Career Concepts has been helping candidates grow and take that next step for more than 50 years! Contact us today, and let’s get started!

Blog published date

April 16, 2024
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