If you stick with the same job long enough, it can become easy, predictable and even boring. This isn’t the worst situation in the world, but falling into career slump can have serious negative consequences for your long-term financial and emotional well-being.
If you’re in the middle of a career slump or headed down that path, don’t give up hope. There are a handful of steps you can take to infuse new life into your job and make your career more fulfilling.
It’s very normal to get tired of doing the standard things again and again. If your supervisor doesn’t typically give you new challenges, seek them out yourself. This could mean getting close to other teams and showing an interest in what they’re doing or suggesting projects to your supervisor.
Taking on a new initiative at your current job is a solid approach to not only bust a career slump, but also get your supervisor’s attention, which could open the door to a raise or promotion.
The word ‘networking’ often conjures up images of schmoozing it up at warm-weather conferences or local industry events. However, you can also network in your own company during a normal workday.
Whether it’s joining a voluntary committee or strolling through a different department to see if you can lend a hand, there are countless way to network at your current job. And like other forms of networking, the more people you form connections with, the greater chance a new opportunity will come your way.
Taking a class is a wonderful way to shake up your routine while possibly opening up new career opportunities, as a more well-rounded professional is a more valuable professional. Even better, you don’t have to take a class that directly relates to your job to get something out of it. Taking cooking classes or golf lessons might cause you to walk into your job with a better mindset or even allow you to network with other students.
If a promotion just is not available right now, or you’re lacking some key requirements to move up the ladder, moving to another part of the company can be a viable option. In fact, a lateral move could be the change your career desperately needs. If you’re capable of switching to a different job, you can meet new people and grow your skill set, and these developments could lead to a promotion or a wider range of career moves outside the company.
If you’re truly burned out and have exhausted all your career options, you could consider taking time away from your career.
First, you must be able to afford to do this. Or, you need to figure out a source of income that won’t contribute to your malaise. Second, you should spend this time pursuing hobbies or connecting with others. Spending time away to lay on your couch and eat potato chips isn’t going to help your long-term career prospects.
At Career Concepts, we have all kinds of experience in helping people out with their career problems. If you’re currently stuck in a career rut, check out our job board today!
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