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Ways You Can Incorporate Social Media into Your Hiring Process

Business profiles on social media are extremely valuable when it comes to recruiting and hiring the best candidates in the labor market.

Most businesses use social media to attract talent, but not every business does it effectively. Every business should create its own distinct social media hiring strategy. The things that work for one business don’t always work for another. A social media hiring strategy should be an extension of your company’s brand and broader social media strategies.

Below are a few basic ways your company can better leverage social media in its hiring process.

LinkedIn Profile is a Must

Out of all the social media networks, LinkedIn is a must for hiring. Your company profile should appear prominently in LinkedIn search results. When job searchers find the page, they should be able to view any job openings and learn everything they ought to know about your organization.

Use Business and Personal Accounts

In addition to posting content and being active with official company profiles, it’s also important for hiring personnel to leverage their own public social profiles. With personal accounts, you can make the type of one-on-one connections that wouldn’t be suitable with an official business profile.

Take a ‘Soft Sell’ Approach

If you’re looking to go out on a date with someone, you probably don’t just walk up to a total stranger and ask them out point-blank. Just like in dating, giving prospective employees the hard sell often isn’t effective.

Your social strategy for hiring should be based on your larger social strategy of sharing relevant, interesting content. The hiring aspect of this strategy could involve showing how great it is to work for your company. Share pictures and videos of your employees smiling and working passionately to make a difference.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt to post open positions from company accounts, but that shouldn’t be the crux of your strategy.

Have Good Conversations

The key to using social media for recruitment is to have good conversations with good people. Searching for and using hashtags are both great ways to connect with new people and participate in conversations related to your company and your industry. Once you’ve made those connections, especially with personal accounts, it’s easier to have genuine interactions about key topics.

Don’t Forget Niche Networks

While you should be active on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, don’t overlook niche forums and networks like GitHub and Quora. People come to these niche networks for useful information, and they tend to have less noise than the more general networks.

Involve Your Employees

The employees are the most valuable asset in any company, and this is particularly true when it comes to a social media strategy.

Your employees can and should be your ambassadors on social media. Encourage them to share the positive experiences they have working with your company and job openings in their department. Your company likely has some rules related to social media, but you should absolutely look into having workers post about positive work experiences in a responsible manner.

We Can Help You Have a Comprehensive Talent Acquisition Strategy

At Career Concepts, we work hand-in-glove with our clients to ensure they have a robust talent acquisition program. Contact us today to learn how we can help your company.

Blog published date

May 25, 2021
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