Getting back into the workforce can be a struggle no matter what your reason is for stepping away from it.
Taking a break from work to go back to school, study abroad, start a family, look after a sick relative or deal with your own illness are all noble reasons for not working. However, simply telling a hiring manager this reason won’t be enough to overcome the disadvantage you face.
In addition to convincing others you’re ready to come back into the workforce, you also have to convince yourself. Stepping away from your profession for a considerable amount of time can make you anxious or tentative.
Thankfully, following a few tips can boost your confidence, and make reentering the work world much easier.
First of all, you must invest time in your resume and ensure it will be seen by posting it to a job site like The tech tools at these sites are very effective; they can deliver precise job leads based on your qualifications and needs.
Crafting a tight resume and posting it probably won’t be enough. You may have get proactive: Think about making courteous and targeted calls to businesses you want to apply to. Ask about any open positions you saw online and express your interest in setting up an interview without being overly pushy. Making a solid personal connection with the people on the other end of the phone could help move your resume to the front of the line.
If you’ve ever needed advice on how to find a job, now is the time. Consult friends and family members about job openings or prospects in their field. You could even have them review your resume and cover letter. You should also reach out to former co-workers and old classmates you have lost touch with. See your current predicament as an opportunity to reconnect, and possibly get some valuable advice or even a few job leads.
When you do get an interview, you need to prepare harder than the rest of your competition. When you are asked about leaving the workforce, touch on it briefly; then pivot to your skills, experience and work ethic. If you were able to learn something valuable in your time away, mention it, but don’t rely on that gained knowledge to wow your interviewer.
Finally, try to convince your interviewer that your time away has made you even more open to learning new things in the field.
Realistically, you might have to make some compromises in order to get back into the swing of things. That means being ready to accept part-time or contract work. These temporary jobs often offer both experience and contacts that can allow you to land a more permanent job that suits your skill set, experience and career goals.
At Career Concepts, we have years of experience in supporting professionals who are looking to reenter the workforce. If you are ready to start working again after some time off, please contact us today!
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